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What Are the Most Common Types of Auto Accidents?

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Getting into an auto accident can have life-changing consequences. While some car crashes are minor and leave victims with a few scrapes, others can result in serious injuries that require expensive medical care, lost time from work, and cause permanent impairment. The most devastating car accidents even lead to loss of life.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there are more than 6 million car crashes on America’s roads annually. The worst thing about these car accidents is that most of them are preventable. Here are the most common types of auto accidents in the U.S.

Rear-end Collision

The NHTSA reports that 40% of all car crashes in the U.S. are rear-end collisions. This means that one of these types of car accidents happens about every 8 seconds on our country’s roads. A common cause of these kinds of accidents is distracted driving. When a driver is looking down at their cell phone, putting on makeup, or doing anything other than watching the road, they are more likely to slam into the vehicle in front of them.

In most cases, a rear-end collision is going to be the fault of the driver in the back, even if the circumstances of the crash were unintentional or unavoidable. Drivers should always keep enough distance between their vehicle and the one in front of them to avoid the consequences of a rear-end collision. The basic “rule of thumb” is the 3 second rule. When the vehicle in front of you passes a stationary object, it should take at least 3 seconds for a you to reach that object.

Side-impact Collision

A side impact collision can be either a sideswipe, which happens when two parallel cars touch each other, or a “T-bone” collision. In general, a T-bone collision is much more severe and tends to occur inside an intersection when one vehicle fails to yield the right-of-way to another. If the other car is traveling at speed when the accident happens, the occupants of both vehicles can be severely injured or even killed. Vehicle occupants on the side of the impact often receive far worse injuries than other victims in the crash.

Head-on Collision

While not the most common type of auto accident, a head-on collision can be one of the most deadly forms of car crashes on the road. These types of collisions sometimes occur when there is a wrong-way driver on the road, which is becoming a more serious and deadly issue each year.  When drivers are involved in head-on collisions, they could suffer injuries to the head, neck, back, extremities, and internal organs, all of which could be fatal.

Single Car Accident

Single vehicle car crashes are another common type of car accident. As the name implies, there is only one vehicle involved in this crash, where a car might hit a tree, building, or other stationary object. These types of accidents are more common among younger drivers who have less experience behind the wheel. For example, extreme weather might make driving more treacherous, and an inexperienced driver may overcorrect or brake too quickly, causing them to lose control of the vehicle and run off the road. Single car accidents are also common when a driver is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). These circumstances make it more likely that a driver will misjudge distances and hit a stationary obstacle.

Low Speed Accident

If you have ever been in a fender-bender in a store parking lot, you know that low speed accidents can happen quickly. These minor bumps that occur anywhere from one to ten miles per hour can actually cause significant damage to a vehicle and even some injuries. Whiplash can happen even at very low speeds, so it’s important not to discount the seriousness of any auto accident.

The hope is that knowing about common types of car accidents can help prevent some tragic injuries in the future. Yet, even the best preventative measures won’t protect everyone on the road from a dangerous crash. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of another driver, contact Chip Nix, Attorney at Law, about your case. Our compassionate and experienced Alabama auto accident attorney will take the actions necessary to protect your rights and hold the negligent parties responsible for your injuries and damages. Call our office today at (334) 279-7770 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.




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