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Speed – What Type of Impact Does it Have on Car Accidents?

speeding and accidents in Montgomery, Alabama

Everyone knows that speeding is dangerous, and increases the risk of a crash. But speed doesn’t just affect the chances that a crash is going to occur; when it comes to a car accident, one factor that can have the biggest impact on severity and damages is the speed at which the vehicles are traveling at the time of the collision.

A Healthy Respect for Speed

There is nothing wrong with driving the speed limit. In fact, in many cases, driving the speed limit – rather than driving slower than the posted limited – is actually the safer thing to do. However, it is important to understand how driving fast can impact you if you’re in a crash and to maintain a healthy respect for speed.

An article published in Automotive Fleet explains the concept of respect for speed very well, using the example of someone being asked to drive their car off of a 12-story building. Now, a reasonable person would certainly reject this as an act of lunacy. However, if you are driving your vehicle 65 miles per hour, you are traveling at approximately the same speed as your vehicle would be if you were to drive it off a 12-story building. It’s easy to picture the devastation from a 12-story fall; this devastation is similar in a crash where the vehicle is traveling at 65 miles per hour.

How Even a Little Speed Makes a Big Difference

Speed has a huge impact on whether or not property damage will be severe or minor, and whether or not drivers and passengers in the vehicles will live to tell the tale. The World Health Organization (WHO) shares that when occupants are involved in a car crash where the vehicle is traveling at a speed of approximately 50 mph, the risk of death is 20 times greater than it would be if the car were traveling below 20 mph. When compared to 25 miles per hour, the force of a crash of a vehicle traveling at 50 miles per hour is four times greater; at 70 miles per hour, the force is nine times greater. An increase of even five miles per hour in speed can have a significant effect on the force of a collision and could be enough to cause serious injuries and damages.

How Much Time Will My Vehicle Need to Stop?

Luckily, in most crashes, drivers are able to apply force to the brakes early enough to slow the vehicle significantly, although obviously not completely. Just like speed affects how bad a crash will be, the speed that a vehicle is traveling also affects how long it takes the vehicle to stop. For example, a car traveling at about 30 miles per hour will likely need a full 42 feet to come to a complete stop. An average driver may be able to decelerate their car of a rate of about 15 feet per second, which means that if the car is traveling at 30 miles per hour, less than three seconds are needed to stop the car. However, stopping distance is affected by a number of factors, including brake quality, tire pressure, road surface conditions, driver reaction time, and more.

Understanding How Speed Can Affect an Accident

Speed is a very dangerous thing. When you’re behind the wheel and you’re traveling fast, it is important to remember that even a slight distraction can result in a major crash; taking your eyes away from the road for even a second still allows your car to travel enough distance to be involved in an accident. It also means that if you’re following too closely and the car in front of you stops, you may not have enough time to stop. Always provide plenty of following distance, follow the speed limit, and limit distractions.

If you are involved in a crash that results in serious injuries, please contact the offices of Chip Nix, Attorney at Law for a free consultation. Our experienced Alabama auto accident attorneys understand that when you’re injured, you deserve to be compensated, so if you are ready to schedule a free consultation to learn more about your options today, call our offices directly at (334) 279-7770 or contact us online. Our law firm is here to fight for you!



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