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Do Pedestrian Accidents Increase in Summer?

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Summer is in full swing with road trips, cookouts, and other activities outside on the schedule. But were you aware that the chance of an accident occurring during summertime is higher than during other parts of the year?

One common warm weather injury and personal injury case involves pedestrian accidents, where a vehicle strikes someone walking along or crossing the road.

Pedestrian Accidents on the Rise Among Children During Summer

Children are particularly susceptible to more accidents during the summer months. Most children are out of school, and the warm weather entices children, with the encouragement of parents, to spend more time outdoors.

One study published by ABC News found that the four-month period from May through August was the most dangerous time of year for children. During this period, there are over 3 million medical emergencies and over 2,500 deaths involving children, all related to accidental injuries. In just four months’ time, this represents 42 percent of the annual total.

One of the major causes of these injuries and fatalities is pedestrian accidents. Unfortunately, there are more children growing up in single-parent homes or homes where both parents work, which could lead to more unsupervised play.

Other Groups Vulnerable to Pedestrian Accidents

In Alabama, pedestrian accidents have been on the rise for over a decade, now reaching close to 1,000 per year. Of those, there are more than 700 injuries and 120 fatalities annually.

We already know that children face an increased risk of pedestrian accidents in the summer, but what about other groups? Most pedestrian accident injuries in Alabama occur among people ages 31-50. However, the most fatalities occur in older adults ages 51 and up.

There is a clear risk of serious injury and even death among adults due to pedestrian accidents, but this is especially true with older adults. This could be due to a loss of sight and hearing functions as well as reduced mobility.

Avoiding Pedestrian Accidents – Tips for Motorists

Summertime is often accompanied by more time outdoors and being active. Even if you’re not a pedestrian, you might spend more time in your vehicle on the way to have some fun during the summer months. If you’re driving, here are several tips to avoid accidents with pedestrians:

  • Always have patience with pedestrians, particularly with children and older adults
  • Keep an eye out for pedestrians, especially when turning
  • Follow the speed limit and drive with caution at all times
  • Slow down in areas with heavy foot traffic and in residential neighborhoods

Avoiding Pedestrian Accidents – Tips for Pedestrians

As the temperatures warm, you or your loved ones may feel the increased pull of the outdoors. Maybe you walk to lunch more, take a family vacation, or have children out of school who want to play outside. Being involved in a pedestrian accident can be heartbreaking. The injuries from these accidents can be severe, so these tips can help you avoid inconvenience, injury, pain, and other losses.

  • Only cross the street at marked crosswalks, never in the middle of a block
  • Make sure that drivers in the area see you before stepping onto the road
  • Wear reflective or bright clothing to stay more visible
  • Follow traffic signals when they are present
  • Watch for vehicles leaving driveways or at intersections

If a pedestrian accident does occur through no fault of your own, you may have a variety of damages. These include the cost of medical care, lost wages, and pain and suffering. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you collect the damages you deserve.

Have You Been Affected by a Pedestrian Accident? Call Us to Protect Your Rights

With outdoor activities and sunshine here for the season, you may not want to pursue a personal injury claim, but you should protect your rights if you or someone you love has been hurt. If someone else’s misconduct has resulted in injuries and other losses, you have the right to file a claim for full and fair compensation.

At Chip Nix, Attorney at Law, our legal team has experience with all manner of Alabama personal injury and wrongful death issues. Contact our office to learn more about your options for recovering damages. You can reach us at 334-279-7770 or online at your convenience.


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