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Who Pays My Medical Bills if I’ve Been Injured in an Accident with a Commercial Vehicle?

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The majority of commercial vehicles are vehicles that are much larger than are average passenger cars, and as such, when they collide with standard vehicles, can cause large amounts of damages. Indeed, large trucks and buses involved in crashes are often unscathed, and their drivers rarely suffer serious injuries. On the other hand, the driver of a passenger vehicle may not only be dealing with a totaled car, but also serious
injuries, like amputation injuries, crush injuries, spinal cord and back injuries, a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other life-changing injury types.
If you have been involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle and have suffered serious injuries, our experienced Alabama personal injury attorney wants to meet with you. We will help you to understand who pays for medical bills, and what other damages are available in your case.
Types of Medical Expenses
If you have suffered serious injuries in a crash, you may have a variety of medical expenses. These expenses could include:
 Ambulance transportation;
 Emergency room treatment and stay;
 Surgery;
 Hospital stays;
 Medication;
 Medical equipment, such as prosthetics;
 Future surgeries; and
 Physical therapy.
In many cases, costs are recurring, and will continue for many weeks, months, or years of the patient’s life. In some cases, a patient may require in-home care as well, a large cost that should be factored in.
Who’s Responsible for Paying for Medical Bills?
There are a couple things that should be understood about payment for medical bills following a crash with a commercial vehicle:
1. An at-fault party is responsible for all damages, including medical bills;
2. The at-fault party does not have to pay your medical bills on an ongoing basis – instead, these will be paid in a lump sum;
3. Your health insurance company will likely handle the bulk of the medical bills upfront if you are insured.

In terms of the latter point – that your health insurance will cover your medical bills – remember that if you receive a settlement for damages from the at-fault driver, the insurer that paid your medical bills is entitled to reimbursement. You cannot be compensated twice for the same loss, so if you suffer $100,000 in medical bills (which your health insurance provider covers) and then received a $100,000 settlement from the at-fault party, you will have to give the insurance company the money to reimburse them.
Determining Fault
As stated above, the at-fault party in a commercial vehicle crash is the party who is responsible for paying for damages through their liability insurance. Potentially at-fault
parties in a commercial vehicle crash may include:
 The driver (although even if the driver is at fault, the commercial vehicle
company will probably be held liable under the theory of vicarious liability);
 The commercial vehicle company (truck company, bus company, etc.);
 A shipper or loader of cargo;
 A vehicle part manufacturer; or
 A third party driver.
Because Alabama is a tort state, you can seek damages for the full value of your medical expenses and any other economic or non economic damages you have incurred, such as the value of your pain, suffering, lost wages, and property damage. Keep in mind that damages are for past and present losses, as well as estimated future expenses as well.
Because Alabama maintains a pure contributory negligence rule, if you contributed to your accident and injuries in the slightest, you may be completely barred from recovery.
You Deserve to Be Compensated after a Crash
When you have suffered a serious injury, ensuring that you are compensated for that injury is important – getting the compensation award that you deserve can help you to afford medical treatment you really need, such as physical therapy, certain medical equipment, and in-home care. The right treatment and receiving your full damages
award can make a world of difference.
At the office of Chip Nix, Attorney at Law, our Alabama commercial vehicle accident attorney is passionate about helping those involved in a crash understand their damages and the value of their claim, prove fault, and fight for a fair settlement amount. If you have suffered serious injuries and are not sure where to turn, our lawyer will be here to advocate for you.
To schedule your free consultation with Chip Nix, please contact us by phone at 334- 279-7770, or by email via the intake form found on our website. We can schedule your consultation at a time and place that works for you.


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