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How to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

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You are enjoying a casual stroll on a cool, fall evening while on your way to visit a friend. As you cross the street, a car comes out of nowhere and crashes into you. That is all you remember…until you wake up in a hospital bed hooked up to a machine with tubes running out of your body. As you regain consciousness, you are left wondering, “how bad are my injuries, and when will my life be back to normal again?”

This is an all-too-common scenario for those who go out for a walk these days. According to the Governors Highway Association, more than 6,200 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in 2018, the highest number of pedestrian fatalities since 1990. This averages out to more than one pedestrian death every hour and a half in the United States. And as the days get shorter in the fall and winter, things get even more dangerous for pedestrians.

What Causes so Many Pedestrian Accidents?

There are several factors that contribute to pedestrian crashes. Most occur because of some type of driver negligence, while some are the fault of the pedestrian or external factors beyond anyone’s control.

Some of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Reckless/Aggressive/Careless Driving
  • Driving/Walking while Intoxicated
  • Distracted Driving/Distracted Walking
  • Inclement Weather

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly why the number of pedestrian fatalities has been trending upward recently. One likely factor is that there are more pedestrians today than ever before. Our population continues to grow every year, and people continue to become more health conscious, choosing to walk and bike rather than drive a car.

Smartphones are another factor that is widely believed to be driving the increase in pedestrian crashes. Drivers spend way too much time looking at their phones, sending and receiving texts, and engaging in other types of electronic activity. Smartphone use is an issue with pedestrians as well. Many of them spend a lot of time sending and receiving electronic messages and taking selfies while they are walking, which can make them less likely to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.

Finally, consumers have increasingly preferred SUVs in recent years as fuel prices have dropped, and this is thought to be contributing to the growing number of pedestrian fatalities. In 2013, SUVs made up 32% of the vehicles on the road, and they are projected to cross the 50% mark by 2020. SUVs are heavier and have a larger frame than regular passenger cars, and they have the potential to cause far more serious injuries when they crash into someone.

What are the Best Ways to Avoid Pedestrian Accidents?

Everyone is a pedestrian at some point, and we all need to do our part to help reduce the number of pedestrian crashes.

For Drivers

  • Keep Your Windshield Clean and Clear: Make sure your windshield is clean and free of debris, dirt, streaks, and other things that would hinder your ability to see what is in front of you. Also be sure your mirrors are set properly to maximize your rear and side views.
  • Drive Defensively: Be aware of pedestrians on the sidewalks and roads nearby. Drive at a safe speed, obey all traffic laws, and always keep an eye out for pedestrian crossings. This is especially important when you drive through a school zone, because kids can be unpredictable, and they sometimes dart out into the street without any warning.
  • Avoid Distractions: Do everything possible to avoid distractions, especially if you are driving in an area with a lot of pedestrians. Put your smartphone away – the text can wait until you get where you are going. And if it is an emergency and you must read or respond to a text right away, pull over and put your vehicle in park before doing so.

For Pedestrians

  • Wear Bright Clothes: Whenever possible, it is always best to wear brighter clothing that motorists are more likely to see. This is especially true when you’re walking after dark.
  • Stay on the Sidewalks: If there is a sidewalk available, use it. Even if the only sidewalk is on the other side of the street going against traffic, it is much safer to walk there than on the road.
  • Cross in Designated Areas: Be sure to always use a crosswalk or a designated area to cross the street whenever one is available.
  • Limit Smartphone Use: When you are walking, and especially when you are walking in areas with high vehicle traffic, reduce as much as possible the time you spend looking down at your phone.

Injured in a Pedestrian Accident in Alabama? Contact Chip Nix, Attorney at Law for Legal Help

Even if you do everything right, you cannot control the actions of others. If you or someone close to you was injured in a pedestrian accident that was the fault of another person or party, you deserve to be fully compensated. Attorney Chip Nix ready to go to work for you! He will fight hard to help ensure that you receive just compensation, and that those responsible for your injuries are held fully accountable. 

To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at (334) 203-6669 or send us a message through our web contact form. You may also visit our Montgomery office in person at your convenience.


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