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How Common are Distracted Driving Accidents?

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Unfortunately, the answer to the above is that distracted driving accidents are quite common.

Whether you are distracted by a smart phone, by someone in the back seat, because you are reaching for something or tuning the radio, even daydreaming because you are tired, it’s estimated about one-quarter of all auto accidents in the U.S. are the result of distracted driving.

In Alabama, there is more than a one-in-three chance of experiencing an auto accident in your lifetime.

In 2018, there were 159,925 auto accidents recorded in Alabama, an increase of 1.87% from the previous year. The Drive Safe Alabama crash data shows 953 individuals lost their lives and 47,419 were injured. Of those, 39 certified fatalities were associated with distracted driving.  According to the National Safety Council, at least one-quarter of crashes involved cell phone use in 2015.

It’s very likely that distracted driving accidents are actually undercounted, according to the state, because not everyone will admit they caused an accident because their attention was not on the job of driving.  

Drive Safe Alabama, part of the Department of Transportation, believes distracted driving is a leading cause of crashes.

Types of Distraction

Consider the simple act of texting on your smart phone. When you are sitting or standing, texting is relatively simple, but when driving, it definitely leads to all three types of distraction which include:

  • Taking your hands off the wheel or Manual Distraction
  • Taking your focus off the job of driving or Cognitive Distraction
  • Taking your eyes off the road or Visual Distraction

Unfortunately, one-quarter of teen drivers respond to a text message at least once every time they drive. Conservative estimates are some teens and others check their phones about 52 times a day.

And a texting driver is 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash than a non-testing driver, according to Drive Safe Alabama.

Other forms of distraction include:

  • Using a GPS or navigation system
  • Adjusting the radio or CD player
  • Scrolling through music
  • Eating and drinking
  • Putting on makeup or grooming
  • Watching a video
  • Being sleepy, fatigued and losing focus

If your mind is preoccupied, you cannot be alert and focus on the job of safely driving.

Alternatives to Distracted Driving

The sure way to avoid the temptation of reaching for a cell phone is to put it in the back seat. Using a Bluetooth hands-free device to talk on the phone which allows you to avoid handling the phone.

If you need to talk or text, safely pull off the road, especially if you need to take your eyes or attention off the road to conduct your call.

Your cellphone service may have an option to respond to any incoming calls with an automatic message saying you are driving, therefore blocking the message during that time.

Your Alabama Auto Accident Attorney

Based on 2018 data, the likelihood of being involved in a severe crash during your lifetime is greater than 90 percent, so paying attention to the seriousness of distracted driving may save your life, or the lives of your loved ones.

Understand that under state law, it is illegal to text while driving whether email, instant messaging, or texting.  A first fine can be as low as $25 but that fine jumps to $75 for subsequent offenses. Expect points to be added to your license.

And if you are involved in an auto accident and cellphone records show you were using your phone you can be charged with reckless driving or vehicular homicide if there are serious injuries or death.

Chip Nix has decades of experience representing individuals who have been involved in an auto accident, a trucking or motorcycle accident. He is thoroughly familiar with how the insurance company for the negligent at-fault driver will try to lower the value of your case and take advantage by turning the tables and blame the accident victim.

Count on Chip Nix and his 40-years of experience to represent you in your Alabama distracted driving case. The conversation starts in a free consultation at 334-203-6669 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.


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