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Distracted Driving Accidents

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Car accidents comprise a common catastrophe that take place far too often on the roads of Alabama. To be sure, the Alabama Department of Transportation (DoT) asserts that a traffic crash was reported every 240 seconds in 2014, many of which led to tragic injuries and fatalities.

And while these statistics are disturbing, the tragedy is only compounded by the fact that many of these wrecks were likely entirely preventable, and were simply the result of a driver operating his or her vehicle while distracted. Indeed, the DoT goes on to claim that between August of 2009 and August of 2010, more than 1,400 crashes in the state were related to distracted driving.

Of course, many drivers statewide understand that driving while distracted, even for a moment, can lead to a devastating accident. But just how serious is the issue? And what steps can drivers take to help protect themselves on the roads?

Common Causes of Distracted Driving

To fully comprehend the problem, it is necessary to understand what exactly constitutes driving while distracted. According to the official government website for distracted driving (, “distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving.” And, as described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are three main types of distractions, which include the following:

  • Visual, which requires a driver’s eyes;
  • Manual, which cause a driver to take his or her hands off the wheel; and
  • Cognitive, which takes a driver’s mind off the task of driving.

Perhaps the most well-known and vilified form of distracted driving involves texting behind the wheel. The Alabama DoT reports that a texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into a crash than a non-texting driver.

However, texting while driving is by no means the only dangerous form of distraction while operating a motor vehicle. Other forms of distracted driving include the following:

  • Eating;
  • Playing with children or pets;
  • Changing the music;
  • Navigating a GPS system;
  • Watching videos; and
  • Grooming.

In reality, this is only a small handful of the activities that could be distracting while driving; and truly, anything that requires visual, manual, or cognitive attention can be truly dangerous while performed behind the wheel of a car.

Protecting Yourself as a Driver or Passenger

Ultimately, it is entirely impossible to prevent the actions taken by other drivers behind the wheel of their vehicles. Of course, modeling good behavior and informing others about the dangers of distracted driving may help influence some other motorists, but far too many may still decide to operate their cars while distracted.

That being said, there are a number of actions that you can take, both as a driver and a passenger, to help reduce your chances of being in a distracted driving accident. To begin, make sure to keep your cell phone out of reach or turned off while you are driving; or, if you are a passenger, offer to speak for the driver if he or she receives a call. Furthermore, if you need to navigate a map or GPS, make sure to pull over before taking your eyes off the road. The same goes for changing music, helping children, or personal grooming; wait until your vehicle is fully stopped before removing your hands from the wheel.

Finally, keep your eyes out for other distractions that may exist in your vehicle, and make sure to avoid them or remove them altogether. By remaining vigilant you can help protect yourself when driving.

If You Are Injured in Alabama, Let Us Help You

Unfortunately, no matter how safely you operate your own vehicle, there are still far too many others out there who will choose to drive while distracted. Fortunately, at the office of Chip Nix Attorney at Law, you can find an advocate who will work on your behalf to help you in this time of need. A skilled attorney at our office is prepared to offer you a free consultation, answer any questions you may have, and begin crafting a detailed plan to help you recover compensation for your injuries. Don’t hesitate to call us today at 334-279-7770 and let us start working on your case immediately.


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