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Accidents on Alabama College Campuses


Back to school for students of university age can mean more than just back to hitting the books; it can also mean an upsurge in the number of accidents, too. That’s because every year when school begins again in August or September, there tends to be an uptick in the number of injuries involving college-aged students.

If you live in Alabama and are involved in an accident on an Alabama college campus, our attorney at the firm of Chip Nix, Attorney at Law, can help guide you through your options. Consider the following common accident types on college campuses, and call us if you’ve been injured on a college campus.

Longboard, Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Motor Vehicle Accidents

Young adults get to and from campus in a variety of ways, ranging from riding a bicycle to walking to driving to riding a longboard. The truth is that all of these means of transportation, especially during highly trafficked times of the day, have the potential to be very dangerous. Unfortunately, young people are at a greater risk of accident, as a result of inexperience combined with a tendency to drive while distracted.

Longboard and skateboard injuries can occur when a party is hit by a motor vehicle, or suffers a fall independent of another party (i.e. falls while skateboarding/longboarding). Pedestrian and bicycle accidents commonly occur when a walker/biker is crossing the street and an oncoming vehicle fails to yield. Motor vehicle accidents that involve two are more vehicles are the most common type of accident, but fortunately the least deadly of the others listed. Parking lot fender-benders are especially common on college campuses, although more serious car crashes can, and do, occur.

Alcohol Poisoning and Alcohol-Related Injuries

While the legal age of drinking is 21 throughout the United States, alcohol poisoning and alcohol-related accidents affect college students of all ages. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, about 1,825 college-aged students die from alcohol-related accidents. Each year, there are also thousands of students transported to emergency rooms across the country for alcohol poisoning and other alcohol related accidents, which can cause serious injuries, permanent brain damage or death.

Game/Stadium Related Injuries

For students who attend a university’s sporting events, the most popular of which is traditionally football, there is always the risk of injury. To be sure, the department of University of Utah Health reports that many emergency room visits stem from students being mowed down and stampeded by others when the field is rushed at the end of a game, whether a team wins or loses. In addition to rushing the crowd, which increases the risk of a variety of injuries, including being stepped on, students also are known for flipping over guardrails or falling down stairs, which can lead to crush injuries or bone fractures.

What Your Rights Are After Suffering an Injury on a Alabama College Campus

Did you know that when you are significantly injured as a direct result of another person’s action, whether that injury is a broken bone caused by a car accident or a fall in an unsafe area of a dormitory, you may have the right to bring forth a claim for damages? Filing a claim can help you hold the at-fault party liable for the harm that you have suffered, provide you with the opportunity to recover damages that you are owed for your losses, and potentially help reduce injuries of others in the future.

Contact an Experienced Alabama Personal Injury Attorney

At the offices of Chip Nix, Attorney at Law, our experienced Alabama personal injury attorney knows that bringing forth a claim against another student, a university, or another third party can be a very tough and intimidating thing to do. Our lawyer provides you with the support and reinforcement you are looking for, and will never charge you a cent if your case isn’t successful. For a free consultation, contact Chip Nix, Attorney at Law, at (334) 279-7770 or through our website contact form.


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